Balanced Budget

 Balanced Budget

Our national debt is now 18 trillion dollars and growing by over one trillion dollars a year…for a total of over $53,000 for every man, woman and child in the United States.  And that doesn’t include tens of trillions in “unofficial” debt in entitlement programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and now, Obamacare.

Year after year Congress borrows more money and then spends all that it borrows; and year after year they vote to increase our national debt limit.  Now we are borrowing money to make payments on the money that we have borrowed.  That’s called insolvency, and it’s where we’re headed if we don’t change course fast.

The fact of the matter is that we do not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem.  Quite simply, government is too big and it spends too much.  We believe that unsustainable government spending, be it at the state or the federal level, is immoral and will place an incredible burden on our children and grandchildren and limit their access to the American dream.

Christian Coalition of Florida will work to support passage of a balanced budget amendment to our Constitution, oppose further tax increases in Florida and nationally, support flatter, fairer tax rates, and an end to the death tax.